What is Quarter Midget Racing?
Quarter midget racing is a family oriented sport that involves racing purpose built replica vehicles 1/4 the size of a Midget race car on a 1/20 mile oval track. The cars, rules and extensive safety procedures are designed specifically for kids age 5-16. The racing environment is about children and family. Kids not only learn valuable skills and sportsmanship, but also make new lifelong friends.
Driver Training Program
Once your child has completed a Trial/Promo Drive and would like to Proceed and go through our training program.

The Baylands Training Program is designed to provide your child with the best possible first-time racer experience and to present them with the best opportunity to begin a successful quarter midget racing career. Once you are assigned a training night, the Baylands Training Coordinator will describe the program to you and answer all your questions regarding our training program. They will introduce you to the two trainers assigned to your child and provide you with their contact information. Our training program consists of 3-6 two-hour sessions. Each child picks up driving skills at different rates mostly based on their age and background. The training is quite intense and provides extensive training for your child designed to prepare them for racing with other children.
Baylands has race cars, a comprehensive set of helmets, jackets, gloves, neck braces and arm restraints. All you need to provide is a pair of jeans and closed toe shoes. If you have your own equipment, you are encouraged to use it. But please check with your trainers to verify that it meets NASCAR Youth's safety requirements. To see what the current NASCAR Youth safety standards are go to www.nascaryouth.com.
There are typically four sessions as outlined below. Please remember that each child progresses at their own pace and the trainers will continually match the challenge to their skill level.
Session 1
Introduction and registration
Oral and demonstrative session of flags and hand signals
Oral session on Track and Pit area safety practices
Track walk
Practice session, one car at a time, with pylons to form pattern
Get the comfortable with the other children who are training with them
Session 2
Review of flags and hand signals
Oral session of safety equipment, Driver’s responsibility towards helmet, safety belts, neck collar, gloves, etc. Let them know they are in charge
Review and Practice pattern
Flag exercise… use of various flags while car is in motion
est reactions to sudden hazards on track as described by the instructor or set by example of experienced drivers
Describe passing, have experienced driver on hand to play passing game
Session 3
Review previous lessons: Flags, hand signals, safety equipment, passing, etc
Explain form-up flags, procedure, and how to switch positions
Practice form-up and switching positions
Practice safety procedures on track and pit area, procedures for leaving the track after a practice session and during a program
- Explain and practice qualifying procedures (if processing). Use of stop watch helps for realism
Session 4
Review and practice all previous sessions: form-up, switching positions, exiting procedures, qualifying, etc.
Have a 10-15 lap race with other experienced drivers (always letting the graduating student be the one to carry the checkered flag at the finish of the race
Graduation and presentation of Certificate and Trophy